5 Important Features To Look For In A Gas Powered Skateboard

The first time that a gas powered skateboard entered the market was back in 1975 when Motoboard released its first model. It was the first ever powered skateboard that ran on a lithium iron phosphate battery. With this kind of battery, it can go as far as 16 to 20 kilometers when it is fully charged; and even if it the battery gets drained, the skateboard can still run for a few kilometers.

What made the Motoboard more groundbreaking was that it could go as fast as 30 mph. This is possible because of the mechanism of its small engine. You can control the speed of a Motoboard using a handheld trigger. When you release your hold on it, it will automatically go to idle mode. Its size is around 36 inches, almost like a normal skateboard. However, the Motoboard was banned in California during the late 1970s because of the pollution it caused. It totally stopped being sold in stores by the year 1983 when the owners parted ways.

However, in 2003, there came a new take on the gas powered skateboard. The year welcomed SkaterX, a gas powered skateboard also known as ScooterX 49cc. This skateboard breathed new life to the name “gas powered skateboard” because it could run as fast as 25 mph. This is perfect for those who love extreme sports and who prefer to ride as fast as they can. And also because of the speed it can reach, extreme caution was also needed. Riders were advised to wear knee pads, helmets, and other protective gear.

The first time that a gas powered skateboard entered the market was back in 1975 when Motoboard released its first model. It was the first ever powered skateboard that ran on a lithium iron phosphate battery. With this kind of battery, it can go as far as 16 to 20 kilometers when it is fully charged; and even if it the battery gets drained, the skateboard can still run for a few kilometers.

What made the Motoboard more groundbreaking was that it could go as fast as 30 mph. This is possible because of the mechanism of its small engine. You can control the speed of a Motoboard using a handheld trigger. When you release your hold on it, it will automatically go to idle mode. Its size is around 36 inches, almost like a normal skateboard. However, the Motoboard was banned in California during the late 1970s because of the pollution it caused. It totally stopped being sold in stores by the year 1983 when the owners parted ways.

However, in 2003, there came a new take on the gas powered skateboard. The year welcomed SkaterX, a gas powered skateboard also known as ScooterX 49cc. This skateboard breathed new life to the name “gas powered skateboard” because it could run as fast as 25 mph. This is perfect for those who love extreme sports and who prefer to ride as fast as they can. And also because of the speed it can reach, extreme caution was also needed. Riders were advised to wear knee pads, helmets, and other protective gear.

The SkaterX is one of the best gas powered skateboards because it has features that were designed to give the best performance while not compromising the makeup of the board.

Listed below are the 5 features that make SkaterX very promising.

1:   Deck

First and foremost, ScooterX 49cc has a deck made of bamboo. It sounds, unconventional right? Usually, having a bamboo deck is a problem when your skateboard aims to perform at high speed. This is because bamboo decks are often used by beginners since they are lighter and bouncier when it comes to bumps. This means that when you are on a bumpy surface, having a bamboo deck is like having better suspension because it doesn’t immediately jerk or topple over.

Bamboo decks range from 5 ply to 9 ply which translates to the number of layers of bamboo used in making one whole board. The lesser ply, the lighter the board is. But there are some gas powered skateboards that are syntheses of fiberglass and bamboo. And since this is the case, it is more suitable for cruising and moderate speeds. But ScooterX 49cc does not seem to follow this rule. Contrary to the kind of performance this type of board gives, ScooterX 49cc still uses bamboo and for a totally different purpose. ScooterX 49cc also has a grip taped board. Grip tape helps in stabilizing the rider plus it improves maneuverability.

Other gas powered skateboard and scooters make use of different materials for their deck. Take for example ScooterX X-Racer which uses aluminum. This gas scooter uses one of the most durable materials. It is even better than wood since it is lighter and easier to manage. On the other hand, the more common deck material is maple. When your deck is made of wood, it is covered with varnish (which makes it shiny) and can either be 7 ply or 9 ply. This just means that there are 7 or 9 sheets of wood stuck together.

The important thing to note is that there are more to decks than just the material they are made of. There are also different kinds of decks depending on their curvature. Nonetheless, almost all decks are slightly curved at the ends. This is to help you have more leverage moving around. It is rare to come across flat skateboard decks nowadays because they were more old school.

You might also want to consider the length and width of the deck. The average length is around 32 inches, while the width is around 8 inches. The more curve your deck has at its ends the less space you have for your feet. So if you are planning to buy a skateboard, consider measuring the space you will need for your feet. Usually, taller people need a wider and longer deck.

2:   Gas Engine

Like the ScooterX X-Racer, the SkaterX has a 49cc gas engine and uses the 2-stroke cycle system. A 49cc gas engine means that it can clear 49 cubic centimeters every time it sweeps. When you convert this to horsepower, the engine puts out about 3 horsepower. So what does all of these output measures mean? The power of your engine directly affects the speed your gas powered skateboard can make. If you have a 49 cc engine, then it can run at 25 mph on flat surfaces and roads. The same goes for a gas scooter. Moreover, you would have to use a specific kind of oil for your skateboards and scooters. You would need an SJ10W-40 type of engine oil. This is the required engine oil for a 49 cc engine. It is also easily found in gasoline stations and car shops. The 49cc gas engine also has a drive system that gives maximum performance to the rider.

3:   Brakes

The SkaterX has a rear band brake, meaning it uses a drum brake instead of a disc brake. This is because a drum brake lets the driver arrive at a gradual stop. The disc brake, however, brings you to a sudden halt. For any kind of vehicle, whether it is a skateboard or a car, brakes that bring you to a sudden halt are dangerous because they suddenly jerk your body forward. Also, the vehicle can also topple over or lose balance. If it is dangerous for a car, then what more for a skateboard! Since the rider is exposed and he has no support that encloses him except for his protective gear (if he decides to wear them), then chances are sudden brakes will throw him out of his skateboard. With a drum brake, you can be guaranteed that you can arrive a slow stop. This will give you more stability even if there is a change in speed.

4:   Throttle

Speaking of gas powered skateboards, the SkaterX has a throttle system that allows the rider to just pull the trigger to accelerate. A throttle, by definition, is a device that helps control fuel usage. But there is a misconception about what a throttle does. Some people think that a throttle controls the amount of fuel injected in the engine. This is not true because the throttle injects air and not fuel. A gas engine works by having fuel combust with the help of air. For the SkaterX, having a handheld trigger will help the driver assess when to pull the trigger especially when they want to accelerate.

5:   Tires

The SkaterX has on and off road tires that are great for on-road/off-road riding. They are sized at 9 x 3.5 inches and they are considered to be dual sport tires. Knowing these specifications is important because tires are one of the most important parts of the skateboard. Without the tires, there won’t be a skateboard and no matter how powerful your engine is, a skateboard without tires is just useless.

Skateboard tires are usually made from polyurethane or PU. This is hard material but is durable enough to withstand uneven surfaces and even bumpy and rocky roads. They are relatively cheap because they are mass-produced and used not just in skateboards, but also on scooters and other transportation vehicles.

There are two things you should take account for when choosing the wheels for your skateboard. First is the size of the wheel (diameter) and second is the hardness of the wheel (durometer). The diameter basically just talks about the size of the wheels. They are often sized from 49-75 mm in diameter. Larger wheels help you cover more distance because a single turn has a wider “scope” than a smaller one. If you plan on using your skateboard on uneven surfaces and extreme sports, then larger wheels are more appropriate.

But on the other hand, larger wheels are slower to accelerate. As speed and acceleration are different (and you might get confused with this), larger wheels are faster but are slower to accelerate. When you compare this to smaller wheels, the latter is more suitable for street rides and cruising. Smaller tires basically do the opposite of what the larger tires can do and so they fit better for cruising on the streets. Smaller tires are also lighter so they can easily be maneuvered to do some tricks.

When it comes to the durometer, what is being talked about is the hardness of the wheel. The scale goes like this: the lower the number, the softer the wheels. The higher the number, the more resistant it is to penetration because of its hardness.

For skateboards, and this includes gas powered skateboards, the usual measurement is 75A or 90A. If you are the type to use your skateboard on the streets, then harder wheels, having 90A and above, are better. But if you will be using your skateboard on different bumpy tracks, then you should choose softer wheels. This is because softer wheels are more flexible when it comes to uneven and rough surfaces. They make your ride more fun, too.

There is also another kind of tire that you might have heard somewhere. Pneumatic tires are wheels usually used in industrial caster applications. They are metal hubs that are covered with a rubber tire. Most of the time they are filled with air, but there are certain instances when foam is used to fill it up instead. The amount of air depends on the kind of pressure needed. The good thing about this is that they absorb impact more and they soften them as they occur. However, the bad side of a pneumatic tire is that it is hard to set in motion.

Although what were mentioned above are the five main features of the best gas powered skateboard, there are more parts of a skateboard that are also as important as the other five. For example, the SkaterX has other features like the clutch, front and rear bumpers, gas tank, and other additional parts that the rider might want to add. When it comes to the clutch, the 49cc ScooterX has a centrifugal clutch which is also an automatic clutch with a direct chain drive.

In this article, it was emphasized that the SkaterX is the best gas powered skateboard to date, but it is only natural that some people do not agree. For some, this skateboard is more fit to be ridden on streets and pavements. For some, it is only mediocre when you use it for tranny skating. By the way, there are two main styles in the skateboarding sport: street skating and tranny skating. The former is skating on roads, pavements, curbs, and fields. The latter is skating on other man-made surfaces that are not exactly flat. This includes skating on pipelines, ramps, and skate parks.

Nowadays, there are more people with a growing interest in skateboarding. Recent technology has turned what used to be a fictional transportation device into a sport. It has also generated skateboard enthusiasts that try to mix and match the parts of the skateboard to meet their needs and preferences.

This is what was meant when the SkaterX could not be the best for some people. This is because skateboards can easily be personalized. For some, SkaterX just does not fit their riding style. However, there are many other brands of gas powered skateboards that you might want to consider trying. Some brands are the ScooterX X-Rider, ScooterX Baja Powerkart, and much more. The common thing about these is that they run on a 49cc engine that is the best engine (no doubt about that) for skateboards and small transportation devices.

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